Welcome to the Arrowhead Astronomical Society!

The Arrowhead Astronomical Society (AAS) of Duluth, Minnesota was founded in 1979 to give astronomy enthusiasts of all interest levels an opportunity to meet and share their passion for the wonders of the universe. Our mission is to promote the awareness, enjoyment, and understanding of astronomy. Current members have interests that range from reading about astronomy, to casual naked-eye observation of the Moon, Planets, and constellations, to advanced astroimaging of Solar System bodies and deep sky objects. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:30 PM, at the Marshall W. Alworth Planetarium. We discuss current happenings in the night sky, our observations, upcoming society events, and usually a society member will give a talk about techniques that enhance the enjoyment of amateur astronomy. In addition to society meetings, we host monthly planetarium shows as well as telescope observing sessions for both our members and the public. The time and date of these activities are posted on our website under the "Upcoming Activities" tab. No matter what your age, gender, or interest level you are welcome to join our club at any time. If you decide to become a member, the dues are $15 a year for one household, $5 a year for college age students, and high school students and younger are free. To join, simply come to one of our monthly meetings. Of course, out of town visitors are always welcome to attend our meetings and observing sessions. Any questions about the society? Contact us via email! Eric Norland [[email protected]]. AAS is also on Facebook (see Helpful Links above).